Spiritual Growth
My Father’s Hands
Our first unit for writing in 5th grade is personal narratives. Because reading and writing are so intertwined, I have been making an effort to connect children’s books and reading skills with our writing this year. I’ve always loved children’s literature, and it’s exciting to have a purpose for it in my classroom this year. … Continue reading
Embrace Each Moment
I am not a morning person…yet my favorite time of day is the quiet of the morning, right when the sun is rising. This past week was the beginning of a new school year. The calm and quiet of my summer was invaded by the overwhelmingly busy schedule of being a teacher. I am still … Continue reading
FOLLOW Doesn’t Always Mean GO
Where You go, I’ll go Where You stay, I’ll stay When You move, I’ll move I will follow You Who You love, I’ll love How You serve, I’ll serve If this life I lose, I will follow You Chris Tomlin has a song titled “I Will Follow” on his newest album. I liked it right … Continue reading
Pride vs. Low Self-esteem
Pride and low self-esteem seem to be opposites. Strangely, I’m experiencing both at the same time. The Lord has graciously gifted me in music. People are amazed at how quickly I can transpose in my head (and how much I enjoy it!). Learning new instruments or musical concepts comes quickly to me. Sometimes I am … Continue reading
Gospel Day
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” ~Matthew 18:3 Oh how encouraging it is to hear deep truths spoken and understood by young children! Today was gospel day at VBS, and I was richly rewarded by my preschool group. During the lesson … Continue reading
The LORD will provide. I am not the kind of person who embraces change. If only my schedule would remain consistent, if only my friends would stay close by and remain constant, if only I knew how to handle the next big part of life, I would be content…or would I? Consistency in my lifestyle … Continue reading
Psalm 119
“I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” ~Psalm 119:11 This verse is written on a rectangular piece of yellow construction paper that I use to mark the place of whatever Scripture I am memorizing at the time. My lifelong goal is to memorize the entire book of … Continue reading