Spiritual Growth
Digging Deeper into Anxiety Clues
If you’re looking for a good book on anxiety (besides the Bible), I would highly recommend Edward T. Welch’s book, Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest. I’m reading through it for about the third time now and always come away encouraged, challenged, and more knowledgeable about my own fears and worries and how … Continue reading
Fighting to Trust
Why is it so difficult to trust the Lord sometimes? I feel like I’ve been in some new “level” of training this week–like I’ve already learned to trust the Lord in previous trials and situations, so He’s put me in a new situation to see if I’ll trust Him here, too. I went into the … Continue reading
An Answer in Loneliness
I couldn’t stop crying. My heart felt like it might break from loneliness. I realized what was at the root of my longing as I cried, “I just want someone to take care of me!” And then I heard the comforting, secure voice answer: “I will take care of you.” Instantly, the tears stopped as … Continue reading
Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 4
Use Your Energy to Serve the Lord Another Sunday, and I came home from church feeling empty. I had begun to notice a pattern that was confusing to me. After times of fellowship with the body of Christ was when I felt the most dissatisfied. I felt disappointed that others had not served me, encouraged … Continue reading
Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 3
An Attitude of Selflessness Singleness could be for a short season, or it could be for a lifetime. I have wrestled with many questions as I have seen friend after friend get married while I still wait, as I have noticed loving relationships in my own family and in the families at my church. And … Continue reading
Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 2
Contentment: No Lack in God’s Provision There will always be something that makes you unhappy. There will always be that feeling of wanting more. If you don’t learn to be content in your present circumstances, you will never be content. Psalm 84:11 says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows … Continue reading
Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 1
My Identity: The Bride of Christ It was Saturday, April 27, 2013, and two more of my friends were getting married. Yet here I was, 27 years old and still single. The night before the weddings, I cried myself to sleep because of the loneliness in my heart. I am Alone. Forsaken. Abandoned. Even though … Continue reading