Spiritual Growth
Thankful for the Hard Things
Today’s Joy Dare: 3 hard eucharisteo “Everything is eucharisteo. Because eucharisteo is how Jesus, at the Last Supper, showed us to transfigure all things – take the pain that is given, give thanks for it, and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness. This, is the hard eucharisteo. Lean into the ugly and whisper … Continue reading
A Gift that Might Never Have Been
Today’s Joy Dare is to find gifts that might never have been. After pondering this, I’ve realized that the greatest gift I have today is my spiritual growth through singleness. Here I am, almost 29 years old and still single–not how I would have planned out my life. But when I look at what God … Continue reading
Joy Dare: January 14th
Today’s Joy Dare: Find 3 startling graces of God and give thanks for them 1. It was a tough day at school. My most difficult students were being most difficult. It seemed like most of my students were pushing the limits today: talking when they shouldn’t have been, messing around when they thought I wouldn’t … Continue reading
Joy Dare: January 9th
January 9th: A Gift Held, Passed By, and Sat With Today I am thankful for: 1. A Gift “Held”: One of my 5th graders, who happens to also be my most difficult student lately, surprised me with a birthday note today…even though my birthday isn’t until the end of the month. Made my day. :) … Continue reading
Joy Dare: January 4th
On January 1st I came across Ann Voskamp’s “joy dare” for January. Since I like to use one of my wall-hanging calendars to write what I’m thankful for each day, I loved this idea immediately. So far, it’s been perfect to get me out of the rut of thanking God for the same types of … Continue reading
I Cannot Die
I have sung the words of “Before the Throne of God Above” thousands of times. But I have never paid close attention to the meaning of the final verse. Last night at worship team practice, we were rehearsing the songs for Sunday. In discussing how to enhance the words with the way we were presenting the song musically, … Continue reading
Trusting God’s Purposes
Being a very determined and driven person, I am extremely organized and plan most everything in advance. I like to try to be in control of my life as much as I possibly can be. And sometimes I forget Who is actually in control. God has been teaching me about His sovereignty lately. The fact that … Continue reading