Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 4
Use Your Energy to Serve the Lord Another Sunday, and I came home from church feeling empty. I had begun to notice a pattern that was confusing to me. After times of fellowship with the body of Christ was when I felt the most dissatisfied. I felt disappointed that others had not served me, encouraged … Continue reading
Serving the Lord in Singleness – Chapter 3
An Attitude of Selflessness Singleness could be for a short season, or it could be for a lifetime. I have wrestled with many questions as I have seen friend after friend get married while I still wait, as I have noticed loving relationships in my own family and in the families at my church. And … Continue reading
I Cannot Die
I have sung the words of “Before the Throne of God Above” thousands of times. But I have never paid close attention to the meaning of the final verse. Last night at worship team practice, we were rehearsing the songs for Sunday. In discussing how to enhance the words with the way we were presenting the song musically, … Continue reading
What Matters
There’s so much pressure put on teachers these days. CSAP and TCAP are a thing of the past, yet the scores still impact us as teachers. The PARCC test is now looming over everyone’s heads and there is pressure to “teach to the test”–and only to the test, because that’s what’s important. Senate Bill 191 … Continue reading
It’s my last evening of summer freedom; tomorrow begins the professional training for a new school year. It’s amazing how God works, isn’t it? Sometimes He chooses to use perspective to change us. For example, my dream job was teaching 1st grade. I student-taught 1st grade and loved it. But then when it came to getting a real job, God stuck … Continue reading
God has a Purpose
I was dreading last week, but God was at work to turn it into something beautiful. I got another new student this past week. I was pretty upset and overwhelmed and even angry about the difficulty of having 33 students in my 5th grade class…until I went to counseling training Wednesday night. We … Continue reading
I love dark chocolate. (Lily loves the wrapper!) Sometimes it’s a sweet spot on a dark day. Today’s message read: The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Though the quote is not entirely biblical in the way it’s worded, it reminded me of a lesson the … Continue reading