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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 10: Esther

Posted by on October 12, 2020

Day 1: Promotion from the Lord

*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
  • Activity #1: Construction paper, Stickers/jewels to decorate paper crown
  • Activity #2: Lotion, Make-up (skin powder, lip gloss), Jewelry (necklaces, bracelets), Dress, fancy shoes
  • Activity #3: Large cardboard box (that child can fit inside), Fingerpaints, Paintbrush and ice cube tray (optional)

Day 1: Lesson and Activities

  • Open Bible to Esther 1-2. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read” the story. King Xerxes gave a big, big, big feast! He showed everyone how glorious his kingdom was. The king wanted to show off his Queen Vashti, but she said, “No, no, no!” So King Xerxes sent her away! Bye, bye, Queen Vashti. Now Xerxes needed a new queen. All the beautiful young women were brought to him so he could pick his new queen.

Sing: (Tune: Are You Sleeping) God was working, God was working Behind the scenes, behind the scenes To find the king a new queen, to find the king a new queen. Who will it be? Who will it be?

  • A Jew named Esther was very beautiful. Her Mommy and Daddy had both died. Esther and all the women made themselves more beautiful with special skin care, make-up, and jewelry. Hold up lotion, make-up, and jewelry. Then they went before King Xerxes to see who he would pick.

Sing: (Tune: Are You Sleeping) God was working, God was working Behind the scenes, behind the scenes To find the king a new queen, to find the king a new queen. Who will it be? Who will it be?

  • The king liked Esther more than he liked any of the other women. So he put a royal crown on her head! Hold up flat, undecorated crown – to child’s head (or your own). He made her the queen!

Sing: (Tune: Are You Sleeping) God was working, God was working Behind the scenes, behind the scenes To find the king a new queen, to find the king a new queen. Esther is the queen! Esther is the queen!

Activity #1:

  • Prep: Cut some zigzag lines lengthwise across a piece of construction paper (to make the top of the crown). Use the top of the paper to cut a long skinny rectangle to attach on the backside of the crown (then you can size it to the child’s head).
  • Decorate the crown with stickers and/or jewels.

Activity #2: (If your child isn’t interested in dressing up themselves, encourage them to make you pretty on the outside!)

  • Make yourselves “beautiful” with lotion, make-up, and jewelry. Can put on a dress and fancy shoes, too!
  • Sing: (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Esther was so beautiful, God made her just that way. She added some lotion and make-up and jewels – to add to God’s display.
  • Speak: Pretty on the inside! (point to heart) Pretty on the outside! (point to jewelry)
  • God made King Xerxes see Esther’s beauty – now Esther is the queen! Place crown on head.

Children’s Bible Reading:

  • Open Say & Pray Bible to story of Esther. Point to King Xerxes, his crown, Queen Esther, her beautiful dress and jewelry, the curtains, flowers, monkey. Read verse and prayer. Do you think Esther was afraid when she went to see King Xerxes before he picked her as queen? We don’t ever have to be afraid. We can trust in the Lord. He is always watching out for us!

Activity #3:

  • Queen Esther started out poor. When she became queen, she got to live in a castle!
  • Present cardboard box “castle” – cut windows and a door beforehand, if desired. (We used a box that she has played in and colored in a lot before.)
  • Have child get inside the “castle” and decorate with fingerpaint! God makes us beautiful on the inside!

Closing: Psalm 56:11, I trust in God. I will not be afraid. God is always watching out for us and has great plans for us.

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