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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 10: Esther

Posted by on October 12, 2020

Day 4: God Uses Us!

*There are 4 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
  • Activity #1: Metal or plastic spoon, Strong magnet (or magnet wand – no spoon is needed if you have a magnet wand), Clear glass bowl, Small plastic bowl that can fit inside clear glass bowl, Paperclips
  • Activity #2: Metal or plastic spoon, Strong magnet (or magnet wand – no spoon is needed if you have a magnet wand), Medium plastic tub, Several small magnetic items/magnetic letters
  • Activity #3: Stuffed animals, Small wagon or cart
  • Activity #4: Small toy animals, Ziplock bags

Day 4: Lesson and Activities

  • Open Bible to Esther 3-4. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read” the story. Haman just got angrier and angrier and angrier. He wanted to destroy Mordecai and all of his family. Oh, no! Esther is going to be destroyed, too! Esther needs to go to King Xerxes and tell him about Haman’s horrible plan and save her family! God had put Esther in an important spot. Our prayers and actions matter. God uses us in His plan!
  • Open Say & Pray Bible. Point to Esther and King Xerxes. Esther needs to go talk to the king. Psalm 56:11, I trust in God. I will not be afraid.

Activity #1:

  • Prep: Tape a strong magnet to the inside of a metal or plastic spoon. Place glass bowl upside down on table or hard floor over top of the small plastic bowl (open side up). Sprinkle paperclips around the inside edge of the glass bowl.
  • Our prayers and actions matter. God uses us in His plan.
  • Move the magnet spoon (or magnet wand) around the outside of the glass bowl to pick up the paperclips and use the magnetic force to drop them into the small plastic bowl!
  • Sing: (Tune: Are You Sleeping) God is working, God is working Behind the scenes, behind the scenes God uses us in His plan, God uses us in His plan Trust in Him! Trust in Him!
  • Note: This activity was difficult for Katelyn at 20 months old and didn’t interest her much.

Activity #2:

  • Prep: Tape a strong magnet to the inside of a metal or plastic spoon. Place all the magnetic items (or magnetic letters or paperclips) in the plastic tub and prop it up between two chairs.
  • Our prayers and actions matter. God uses us in His plan.
  • Hold the magnet spoon/magnet wand on the bottom of the tub to move the items around in the bin! Practice finding specific letters or spell out words with the magnetic letters.
  • Sing song from Activity #1.

Activity #3:

  • Prep: Hide animals around the house/room.
  • Esther and Mordecai were Jews. The Jews are God’s special people. God will save His people!
  • Part 1: Let’s find and save the animals! Find the animals hidden around the house/room. Put them on the wagon/cart to rescue them.
  • Sing (Tune: Pop! Goes the Weasel) I will trust in God – yes! I will trust in God! No, I will not be afraid – God saves His people!

Activity #4:

  • Prep: Place small animal toys inside ziplock bags.
  • Esther and Mordecai were Jews. The Jews are God’s special people. God will save His people!
  • Have child “save” the animals by taking them out of the bags.
  • Sing (Tune: Pop! Goes the Weasel) I will trust in God – yes! I will trust in God! No, I will not be afraid – God saves His people!

Closing: Psalm 56:11, I trust in God. I will not be afraid. God rescues His people!

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