Day 2: Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem
*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Activity #1: Bag or small suitcase, Items you would take on a trip (pair of clothes, socks, shoes, underwear/diaper, brush/comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.), Rocking horse or stick horse
- Activity #2: Contact paper taped to the wall sticky side out, sharpie, Donkey body parts cut out of paper (eyes, mouth, ears, hair, legs, tail, blanket for back)
- Activity #3: Several containers FULL of pompoms, paper, small toys, etc.
Day 2: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Luke 2:1-5. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
Activity #1:
- Pack a “suitcase” and travel on rocking (or stick) horse to Bethlehem
- (Tune: William Tell Overture) Giddy-up, giddy-up, let us go, go, go! (3x) Let us goooo to Bethlehem right now!
Activity #2:
- Prep: I drew the donkey onto the sticky wall first. Then I laid paper across it and traced the ears, eye, nose, legs, and tail. I cut them out for Katelyn to match up to the donkey picture on the sticky wall. It would be fun to make the donkey part with gray or brown cardstock, but they you wouldn’t be able to trace…
- Have child stick paper donkey body parts onto the sticky wall donkey.
Activity #3:
- Prep: Several containers FULL of pompoms, paper, small toys, etc. I used a container full of pompoms, a small mug full of paper clips, and a cup full of water beads. We had one small froggie toy looking for room in each container.
- Speak: Little froggie – hop, hop – looking for some room. (2x) Can he find it? Looking for some room.
- Oh, no! There’s no more room! Mary and Joseph had no place to stay in Bethlehem because there was no more room for them at the inn.
- Katelyn enjoyed emptying the containers to make room for the little froggie.
- As she was playing, I also thought of another activity with these materials to learn about “no more room.” Have one large container full of pompoms (or other items), and one smaller container that is empty. Try to pour the contents of the large container into the small container to see that there’s not enough room! You could use this activity to discuss the size of the containers and the space each is able to hold.

Closing: Luke 2:15, Let us go to Bethlehem. Something special is going to happen in Bethlehem!