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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 11: Baby Jesus

Posted by on November 2, 2020

Day 4: The Shepherds go to Bethlehem

*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Activity #1: Black/blue and green construction paper, Cardboard box with lid, Metal skewer (to poke holes in black/blue construction paper – do this ahead of time without child), Cotton balls, String of white Christmas lights
  • Activity #2: Large kitchen spoon, White pingpong balls
  • Activity #3: 2 different colors of pipe cleaner, Crayons/markers, Craft glue, Star stickers

Day 4: Lesson and Activities

  • Open Bible to Luke 2:8-18. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.

Children’s Bible Reading: Read story, verse, and prayer in Say & Pray Bible. Find cow, sheep, donkey, hen, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, stars in the sky. Talk about how the shepherds and sheep came to visit baby Jesus.

Activity #1:

  • Prep: Glue black or blue construction paper into the inside of the lid of a cardboard box, glue the green paper to the inside of the bottom – poke holes all along the black/blue “sky” for stars, place cotton ball sheep in the “grass”
    • Tip: The skewer holes alone were not big enough to poke the lights through, so I used scissors to make the holes bigger. It would also be a good idea to poke the lights through ahead of time to make sure they fit in easy enough before having your child try it.
  • Turn on string of Christmas lights and poke them through the backside of the box lid to shine through like stars!

Activity #2:

  • Large spoon shepherd’s “staff” – white pingpong ball “sheep”
  • Have the sheep at one end of a hallway and baby Jesus at the other end. Run across the room carrying the sheep in the staff – bringing them one-by-one to Jesus.
  • (Tune: William Tell Overture) Run, run, run, let us go, go, go! (3x) Let us goooo to Bethlehem right now!

Activity #3:

  • Prep: Twist 2 pipe cleaners together to make a shepherd’s staff.
  • Spell out the word JESUS on paper with the staff as the J.
  • Color the letters and add star stickers. It was all Katelyn’s idea to line the pipe cleaner J with the star stickers!

Closing: Luke 2:15, Let us go to Bethlehem. Spread the good news of Jesus like the shepherds did.

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