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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 14: Miracles

Posted by on January 27, 2021

Jesus Heals

This week we will take a look at 5 different healing miracles! And I’m actually taking each day and spreading it out across the week (partly because that way I can do one focused activity in a day and partly because I need to work on creating some more lessons!).

On Day 1, Jesus heals a woman of her fever, so we will do a little role playing, plus have a theme of hot/cold water activities. Day 2 is about the healing of a blind man, so activities will focus on our eyes. Day 3 is the healing of the ten lepers. Activities will include dots, counting to ten, and Jesus making us clean. On Day 4, a man is healed who was unable to speak and hear, so we’ll be doing some activities with ears and other body parts. And finally on Day 5, the lame man is made to walk. Themes that day will include legs walking, friends helping, and cardboard houses.

Jesus’ physical healing is a very special thing, but I want to try to emphasize throughout all these lessons the most important truth that Jesus heals our hearts of sin!

  • Weekly Routines – page 2
  • Day 1 Lesson and Activities – page 3
  • Day 2 Lesson and Activities – page 4
  • Day 3 Lesson and Activities – page 5
  • Day 4 Lesson and Activities – page 6
  • Day 5 Lesson and Activities – page 7

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