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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 14: Miracles

Posted by on January 27, 2021

Miracles: Weekly Routines

Weekly Verse: Mark 1:34, “Jesus healed many people who were sick.”

Opening Song: (Tune: Here We Go Looby-Loo)

*Make a circle on the floor with painter’s tape, place a pile of pillows in the center of the room to run around, place pillows in a circle, put stickers on the floor in a circle… When we used pillows, afterwards I had Katelyn sit on one for the Bible reading and lesson.

  • Katelyn go round the sun
  • Katelyn go round the moon
  • Katelyn go round the circle now
  • Here at Bible Time. Boom!
  • Run in a circle – switch directions on Boom!

Bible Song: The B-I-B-L-E

Bible Reading: Open, point to words, and read, “Jesus heals _____!” Add family members, friends, pets…

Closing Prayer: (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) God is listening, God is listening – when we pray, when we pray. Fold our hands so nicely, close our eyes so quietly – now we’ll pray, now we’ll pray. *Thank God for specific things learned today, pray for God’s healing for any sickness and also for our hearts to receive healing for our sin, pray for specific requests.

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