Day 1: Fever is Healed
*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
- Activity #1: 2 water bottles, Ice, Very warm/mildly hot water
- Activity #2: Popsicle molds (or 2 cups, tin foil, and popsicle sticks), Food coloring, Medium tub, Spoons, cups, shovel
- Activity #3: Small mattress, Thermometer, Cold washcloth, Play food
Day 1: Lesson and Activities:
- Open Bible to Matthew 8:14-15. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses. Clap and cheer for Jesus!
- Open Say & Pray Bible. Read story, verse, and prayer. Look at pictures of Jesus healing the woman with a fever. Clap and cheer for Jesus!
- Sing (Tune: London Bridge) Fever makes you hot, hot, hot – hot, hot, hot – hot, hot, hot. Fever makes you hot, hot, hot – but Jesus makes you well! (Touch child’s hand) Ah…
Activity #1: Warm and Cold Water Bottles – Hot and Cold
- Prep (do right before activity): Fill one water bottle with ice and a little bit of water. Fill second water bottle with very warm or mildly hot water.
- Have child explore the feel of hot and cold. Touch them. Shake them. Roll them.

Activity #2: Popsicle Color Transfer – Hot and Cold
- Prep: The night before doing this activity, fill popsicle molds with water and a few drops of food coloring in each – or use cups covered in tin foil to hold the popsicle sticks in place. (If you don’t want to end up with gray water at the end of the activity, make only two colors like yellow and red so that you will end up with orange.)

- Prep: On the day of the activity, fill medium tub with about an inch of warm water.
- Speak: Icy, icy – cold, cold, cold. Water, water – warm, warm, warm.
- Experiment with dragging colored popsicles through the warm water – see the color spread out as the popsicle melts! Mix the colors to make new colors.

Activity #3: Story Role Play – Sick – Well – Serve
- Prep: Lay out small mattress on floor with blanket and pillow. (We used Katelyn’s crib mattress.)
- Sing: (Tune: Oh, dear! What Can the Matter Be?) Lie down on mattress. Pretend to take temperature with thermometer and place washcloth on forehead for “fever.” Oh, no! We have a fever. (3x) Can Jesus heal us? He can! He can!
- Jump up and down on mattress. Oh, wow! Jesus has healed us! (3x) Fever no more! Jesus, thank You.
- Pretend to fix and serve food. Oh, yay! Time to serve others now. (3x) Jesus has made me well! Hooray!
- Katelyn absolutely loves the tv show “Cocomelon” right now, so I wrote this special arrangement for the lesson with the tune of one of her favorite Cocomelon songs: “Boo Boo Song”:
- Jesus, Jesus – owie ow! Katelyn has a fever now. Uh oh, Jesus, owie ow! Make her fever better now.
- There, there, Katelyn. It’s ok. I know it hurts, wipe your tears away. So Jesus touches her hand and then – Her fever is all gone again!

Bonus Activity: Snow and Warm Water – Hot and Cold
- It snowed at our house this week, so we ended up having some fun play with a bowl of snow from outside and a tub of warm water!

Closing: Mark 1:34, Jesus healed many people who were sick. When Jesus heals us, it motivates us to love and serve Him!