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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 14: Miracles

Posted by on January 27, 2021

Day 3: Ten Lepers are Healed

*There are 5 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Activity #1: Paper, Red marker or crayon, 10 bandaids
  • Activity #2: 10 dominoes
  • Activity #3: Dry erase board, Dry erase markers, Eraser or tissue/paper towel
  • Activity #4: Large sheet of butcher paper, 10 sticky notes
  • Activity #5: Sheet of paper, 2-3 colors of dot stickers, 3 markers (same colors as dot stickers)

Day 3: Lesson

  • Open Bible to Luke 17:12-16. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses. Clap and cheer for Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!
  • Our sin is like a disease. Jesus heals us of our sin! Clap and cheer for Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!

Activity #1: Ten Lepers Hand Craft – Story Role Play

  • Prep: Trace both hands on piece of paper (can do child’s hands or your own).
  • Add smiley faces to the tip of each finger and count to 10. Touch each face and count to 10. There were 10 men who were sick with leprosy! Oh, no!
  • Draw dots all over with red marker or crayon. There were 10 men who were sick with leprosy! Oh, no!
  • Stick a bandaid on each finger. Will their spots get better? They need Jesus!
  • Sing: (Tune: Twelve Men Went to Spy on Canaan) Ten men – they had spots all over – itchy, itchy, on their skin! (2x) Then came Jesus with His pow’r – healed their spots, no need to shower! Ten men – they were better now, but only one came back to say: (speak) “Thank You, Jesus!”
I hung this picture up high on the window to remind Katelyn of the story since we split the activity into several days.

Activity #2: Domino Dots – Story Role Play

  • Place 10 dominoes dot side up on table. Sing song in Activity #1.
  • When Jesus comes and heals the 10 lepers, turn over the dominoes to see the spots disappear!
  • Hold up one domino to represent the one man who came back to say thank you to Jesus.

Activity #3: Jesus Wipes Us Clean – Story Role Play

  • Draw dots on dry erase board. Sing song in Activity #1. When Jesus comes and heals the 10 lepers, erase the spots to see them disappear!

Activity #4: Dot-Number Match up – Counting to 10

  • Prep: On a large sheet of butcher paper taped to the wall, write the numbers 1-10. Get 10 sticky notes. Using a red marker, draw dots on each sticky note to represent the numbers 1-10. (Katelyn doesn’t recognize her numbers yet at 23 months old, so I color coded the dots and numerals, and she had fun matching up the colors!)
  • Point to each number on the butcher paper and count to 10. Give child the sticky notes. Count the dots and match up to the correct number on the butcher paper.

Activity #5: Dot Sticker Maze – Dots and Colors

  • Prep: On a sheet of paper, draw 2-3 swirly lines. Make sure each line is a different color (and a color that you have dot stickers of).
  • Give child dots stickers to match the colored lines on the paper. Have them place the colored dots on the correct matching colored lines.

Closing: Mark 1:34, Jesus healed many people who were sick. Our sin is like a disease. Jesus heals us of our sin! Thank You, Jesus!

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