Day 5: Lame Man Walks
*There are 5 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out across several days.
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Coloring sheet of man being lowered into house
- Activity #1: Large cardboard box “house” open at the top, Scissors/cutter, Doll, Plastic tub lid
- Activity #2: Shoe box, Scissors/cutter, Small doll, Piece of paper for small doll to lay on
- Activity #3: Towel, Doll, Painter’s tape
- Activity #4: Streamer ribbons, Balloons
- Activity #5: Butcher paper, Fingerpaints, Tub of warm soapy water (to rinse feet when done)
Day 5: Lesson
- Open Bible to Luke 5:18-20, 24-26. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses. Clap and cheer for Jesus!
Coloring Sheet:
- Since I couldn’t find a picture of this story in any of our children’s Bibles, I printed off a coloring sheet for an illustration.
- Look at man being lowered through the roof of the house! Peek at his feet through TP tube. His feet don’t work. He can’t walk! But Jesus healed his legs, and Jesus healed his heart of sin!
- Color page.

Song: Legs Can’t Walk – Story Role Play
(Tune: Them Bones)
- Sit on floor and tap legs
- My legs, my legs, they – can’t walk! (3x)
- But Jesus – He can heal!
- Jump up and walk/dance around
- My legs, my legs, they – CAN walk! (3x)
- Cuz Jesus – He can heal!
- Sit on floor and tap heart
- My heart, my heart, it – is dead! (3x)
- But Jesus – He can heal!
- Jump up and walk/dance around
- My heart, my heart, it – is alive! (3x)
- Cuz Jesus – He can heal!
Activity #1: Cardboard House – Story Role Play
- Jesus is in the house teaching, but we can’t get in! The baby doll’s legs won’t walk, so he/she can’t get to Jesus! Place doll on lid and lower the baby through the roof. He/she reached Jesus, and Jesus healed! Make doll dance and cheer.
- We used a box house that Katelyn made months ago. She was curious about the doll going through the roof!
Activity #2: Cardboard House – small version – Story Role Play
- Prep: Cut a door in the lid of the shoebox lid (can leave it as a flap for fun opening and closing).
- Jesus is in the house teaching, but we can’t get in! The baby doll’s legs won’t walk, so he/she can’t get to Jesus! Place small doll on paper and lower the baby through the roof. He/she reached Jesus, and Jesus healed! Make doll dance and cheer.
Activity #3: Friend Carry – Relay/Story Role Play
- Note: If you have more than one child to participate, they can each grab a side of the towel to carry the baby to Jesus. If only one child, they can drag the towel across the floor.
- Prep: Make a line on the floor with painter’s tape to be the starting line. Across the room, make a cross on the floor out of painter’s tape.
- Carry/drag the doll across the room to Jesus! Then the doll can walk back to the starting line.
- Sing (Tune: Come and Worship) Bring him/her to Jesus (3x) Jesus can heal! I went to Jesus (3x) Jesus healed me!
- Katelyn enjoyed being dragged across the room on the towel, too!
- This was, by far, her favorite Bible Time activity we’ve done in a while! She loved the towel-dragging. Once we reached Jesus, she would always dance back across the room to the starting line and want to do it all over again.
Activity #4: Dance Party – Celebrate
- Have a dance party with streamers and balloons. Jesus heals our bodies, but even BETTER, Jesus forgives our sins!
- We didn’t use streamers and balloons, but Katelyn loved her dance party. Her favorite dancing songs lately are: “Shake My Sillies Out,” “Walking Walking,” and “Car Wash Song” (from the 70s!) ;)
Activity #5: Paint Dance – Celebrate
- Prep: If it’s warm outside, lay out a few sheets of butcher paper on the concrete. If not, consider using the shower for this activity. Squirt some paint in each corner of the butcher paper.
- Tip: Have a plastic tub filled with some warm water and a towel ready for quick clean up.
- Put on some music, get barefoot, step in the paint, and dance footprints all over the paper! Jesus heals our bodies, but even BETTER, Jesus forgives our sins!
- This activity seemed like a lot more fun than it actually turned out to be. The butcher paper kept rolling, so I put some tape on the ends to try to keep it flat. Our feet got sticky with the paint, and it was hard to move around without pulling the paper up a little with every step.
Closing: Mark 1:34, Jesus healed many people who were sick. Jesus heals our bodies, but even better, Jesus forgives our sins!