Day 2: Samuel Speaks for God
*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
- Activity #1: Pictures of people who speak God’s Word (Pastor, Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, teacher…), wipes lids or sticky notes
- Activity #2: Large butcher paper, painter’s tape, sharpie, heart stickers
Day 2: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to 1 Samuel 7:2-4. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read” the story. The people were living in sin, but they wanted to turn back to God. Samuel spoke for God. He said, “If you want to return to the Lord with all your hearts, commit yourselves to Him. Serve Him only. Then He will save you from the power of your enemies.” The people listened and served the Lord only.
Activity #1:
- Prep: Cover people’s faces with wipes lids or sticky notes to create a peek-a-boo game.
- Samuel spoke God’s Word to the people, and the people listened.
- Who speaks God’s Word to you? Play peek-a-boo game to see what people speak God’s Word to Katelyn. She enjoyed playing peek-a-boo as she pulled each sticky note off.
- We did the activity multiple times. I even covered up all the faces and asked her to find a specific person – to test her memory. She loved it!
- Poem to speak during activity: Sometimes people speak God’s Word. Listen, listen to God’s Word. Sometimes Mommy speaks God’s Word. Listen, listen to God’s Word. Sometimes Daddy speaks God’s Word. Listen, listen to God’s Word. Sometimes Pastor speaks God’s Word. Listen, listen to God’s Word.
Activity #2: Whole heart
- Prep: Tape butcher paper to the wall with painter’s tape. Draw shapes all over it – make sure to include lots of hearts!
- Large paper with various shapes drawn all over it.
- Find the hearts and place heart stickers inside!
- Speak/sing: Return to the Lord with all your heart – heart! Return to the Lord with all your heart – heart! Return to the Lord with all your heart – heart! Return to Him with all your heart – heart! (See video for the tune I made up.)
- After we finished the activity, Katelyn discovered how to peel the entire page off the wall. She had fun pulling it off and resticking it back up – over and over again. :)
Children’s Bible Reading and Closing:
- Open Say & Pray Bible. Point to Samuel’s ears. Samuel listens to God with his ears. Point to Samuel’s mouth. Samuel speaks God’s Word with his mouth.

- Psalm 85:8, I will listen to God. God says to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!
Activity #3:
- Sing and Dance “Love the Lord Your God”