Day 5: Disobedience and Repentance
*There are 2 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Sheet of paper, tin foil, markers
- Activity #1: Cardboard cross from yesterday, Blue painter’s tape, Toy cars
- Activity #2: Butcher paper, Fingerpaint, Tub with warm soapy water (to rinse feet after painting)
Day 5: Lesson and Activities
- Prep: Draw two men on paper. Cut out a tin foil crown that can fit on both men’s heads.
- Open Bible to 1 Samuel 13. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read” the story. God was going to help King Saul save the people from the Philistines. King Saul had to wait, wait, wait for Samuel to arrive for the offering. King Saul got impatient and disobeyed God. So God was going to take away his crown and make David the new king of Israel. When we disobey or sin against God, we should repent and turn back to Him.
- Look at picture of two men drawn on paper (crown on Saul’s head). Saul was the king, but when he disobeyed God, God took his crown and gave it to David (move crown to David’s head). Now David would be the king.
Activity #1:
- Prep: Stick painter’s tape on the floor in a line. Place the cardboard cross at one side.
- The earthly kings were not perfect. They made mistakes. Jesus is the King of kings. When we make mistakes, we need to repent. Repent means to turn away from our sin (the bad things we do) and turn to Jesus.
- Drive cars away from Jesus and then have them “repent” – turn and drive toward the cross. I turned the cars when I said “turn” during the song.
- Song (Tune: Three Blind Mice) All have sinned – oh, no! All have sinned – oh, no! We need to repent – turn! We need to repent – turn! Go to Jesus, the King of kings. Love Him and follow Him all of your days. Jesus is my King – yay! Jesus is my King – yay!
Bringing her car to Jesus
Activity #2:
- Prep: Lay out butcher paper on sidewalk (or in shower). Place the cardboard cross at one end.
- Have child step in paint and then walk back and forth across the butcher paper. If you’re walking away from Jesus, repent! Turn and walk towards the cross.
- I had Katelyn dip her feet in paint on a lid and then carried her to the paper. It might have been better/easier to just squeeze the paint at one end of the butcher paper and have her walk across.
- Play in the tub of soapy water to rinse feet off afterwards.
- Psalm 85:8, I will listen to God. What does God’s Word say about repentance? Acts 3:19, “Repent, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. The Lord will make everything new!”