Day 1: The Lord is My Shepherd
*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible for this lesson)
- Activity #1: Duplo legos, Cotton ball “sheep”, Lion and bear toys/stuffed animals
- Activity #2: Green construction paper, Glue, White/brown rice, plastic tub
- Activity #3: Large butcher paper, Shaving cream, Rake and bucket
*I split this lesson into 2 days reading the Say and Pray Bible one day and the Jesus Storybook Bible the second day. I also split up the sheep activities.
Day 1: Lesson and Activities:
- Open Bible to 1 Samuel 16:11. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, “read.” Jesse said, “My youngest son, David, is taking care of the sheep.”
- Open Say & Pray Bible and read the story, verse, and prayer. Psalm 47:6, “Sing praises to God, sing praises!” Point to David, the grass, the sheep, the tree, the clouds, the sun. David’s brothers were strong, mighty, and important. Young David was a shepherd. He was joyful and sang praises to God.

- Open up Jesus Storybook Bible to page 131. Look at David playing the harp and singing praises to God. See the sheep. Just like David takes care of the sheep, the Lord takes care of us. We can rest in His care and sing praises to Him! Read Psalm 23 song on pages 132-134. See the sheep.
- Sing: The Lord is my shepherd, I’ll walk with Him always. He knows me and He loves me, I’ll walk with Him always. Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always. Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always.
Activity #1:
- Make a pen out of dupo legos.
- Then collect the cotton ball “sheep” and put them in the pen to keep them safe.
- Let them out so they can graze on the grass. Help them drink water from the stream. Protect them from lions and bears. We also found “lost sheep” that had strayed away from the flock.
- (Tune: This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes) This is the way we make a pen, make a pen, make a pen. This is the way we make a pen to gather all the sheep.
- This is the way we gather the sheep… to keep them safe from harm.
- This is the way we watch the sheep eat/drink… to keep them nice and healthy.
- This is the way we protect the sheep… safe from lions and bears.
Building a pen with the doors open Gathering the sheep and closing the doors Oh, no! A lion! Letting the sheep graze and drink water Finding a lost sheep Returning the lost sheep Oh, no! A bear!
Activity #2:
- Draw several sheep on green construction paper. Put glue all over sheep. Place the paper in a plastic tub and sprinkle white rice all over the sheep. Shake off the excess to see the sheep’s wool.
- Our tubs were being used, so we swept the rice up from the table after we finished. Katelyn enjoyed sweeping with the small hand broom and dustpan. Since there are soft guards on the edges of the table, the rice didn’t make much of a mess.
Activity #3:
- Prep: Draw a large sheep on butcher paper. Hang up outside (or on shower wall).
- Spray shaving cream all over the sheep. Take care of the sheep by “shearing” its wool with a rake. Collect the wool in the bucket.
- Sing: This is the way we shear the sheep, shear the sheep, shear the sheep. This is the way we shear the sheep, to gather all the wool.
Closing: Psalm 47:6, Sing praises to God, sing praises! Just like David took care of his sheep, God takes care of us!