Day 2: God Looks at the Heart
*There are 2 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
- Activity #1: Nesting bowls, stacking toy (with large to small pieces), nesting cookie cutters, etc. – I only used one large and one small to emphasize BIG and SMALL in a simpler way
- Activity #2: Plastic Easter eggs, containers with lids, anything to open and close – hide something special inside each one (sticker, candy, small toy…)
Day 2: Lesson and Activities
- Open Bible to 1 Samuel 16:7, 10-12. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.
Children’s Bible Reading: Open Say & Pray Bible and point to David. He is small, but his heart is joyful. He sings praises to God! “People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks a what is in the heart.” Psalm 47:6, Sing praises to God, sing praises! We can sing praises because the Lord is our Shepherd and takes care of us! Clap for God.
Sing: The Lord is my shepherd, I’ll walk with Him always. He knows me and He loves me, I’ll walk with Him always. Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always. Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always.
Activity #1: Big and Small Poem
- David’s brothers were big, big, big (open hands wide, wider, widest)
- David was small, small, small (close hands smaller, smaller, smallest)
- God looks at the heart, heart, heart (make heart with hands)
- David’s heart was good, good, good (pat heart on chest)
- David was short, short, short (move hand closer to the ground each time)
- David’s brothers were tall, tall, tall (move hand higher up each time)
- God looks at the heart, heart, heart (make heart with hands)
- David’s heart was good, good, good (pat heart on chest)
- Show nesting bowls, stacking toy, nesting cookie cutters, etc. Talk about big, big, big and small, small, small. Repeat above poem (or parts of it).

Activity #2: Outside and Inside
- (Sing with voice moving up) Man looks at the outside
- (Sing with voice moving back down) God looks at the inside
- Outside (point to outside of container)
- Inside! (open container to reveal surprise)
- Repeat with various containers.
- I put 2 fruit snacks inside each Easter egg since Katelyn loves fruit snacks. She loved opening each egg and eating the fruit snacks!
- Then we did the activity again – I hid a small toy inside each Easter egg, and she had fun opening the eggs again to see what was hiding inside.
Closing: Psalm 47:6, Sing praises to God, sing praises! God sees what is most important – a person’s heart!
Child-led Exploration:
- I left out all the materials from the lesson. Katelyn opened and closed the Easter eggs (even though they were empty) and had fun carrying around the big bowl and the small bowl, saying “big, big, big” and “small, small, small!”