Day 4: Mercy
*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)
- Materials:
- Bible (I like the NirV)
- Activity #1: Piece of cloth (can cut into a robe shape), Scissors (make sure you closely supervise this activity!!!)
- Activity #2: Bowls, Balls to roll (small enough to fit in bowls)
- Activity #3: Playdough (or play clay from yesterday), Play knives or plastic knife (closely supervise)
Day 4: Lesson and Activities
- Open Bible to 1 Samuel 24:4, 16b-18. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Saul was angry because David was going to be king instead of him! He was trying to kill David! David found Saul sleeping in a cave… Read the verses. David showed mercy to Saul. Even though David should have killed Saul, David was kind and gave him another chance. God shows mercy to us. Even though we sin against Him, He gives us another chance. God sent us Jesus to die on the cross. We can trust in Jesus!
Activity #1:
- Prep: Cut shirt/robe shape out of a piece of cloth.
- Look at Saul’s “robe.” David could have hurt Saul, but he only cut a piece of his robe instead.
- Help child cut a piece off the robe. Can cut the material in a few other places also.
- Sing with robe and cut off piece.
- (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle) Mercy, mercy, oh so nice! David didn’t hurt Saul, he only made a slice. Saul will get another chance. What a relief – whew! He should dance! Mercy, mercy, oh so nice! David didn’t hurt Saul, he only made a slice.
Activity #2:
- Prep: Tape bowls to the floor facing the same direction. They are “caves” like in the story.
- Show child how to roll the ball across the floor and try to get it in one of the “caves.”
- Ask, “Would you like another chance?” before each turn.
- Sing (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) We are sinful, we are sinful. But God is kind, but God is kind. He gives us another chance, He gives us another chance. Trust in Him, Trust in Him.
Activity #3: I thought of this idea after naptime, and it fit right in nicely with today’s lesson.
- Form a coat shape out of playdough and have child cut off a corner with the play knife. I sang the “Mercy Mercy” song from Activity #1 again.
- Make other objects or shapes to slice with the knife.

Closing: Psalm 47:6, Sing praises to God, sing praises! God is merciful to us. He doesn’t punish us for our sins if we trust in Jesus.