Spiritual Growth
There are many Christians who see Halloween as a fun, harmless holiday, but I have the strong conviction not to celebrate it. It disappoints me to see so many Christians dressing up and taking part in the celebration. Most other holidays have something worth celebrating. Thanksgiving is being thankful for what God has given us, … Continue reading
Look toward heaven
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” ~Colossians 3:2 This was my verse to memorize last week, but it has applied more to me this week, and it’s only Monday! Last night I was upset about possibly not being able to go to Spain with the orchestra next May because I’m last … Continue reading
Looking on the bright side
One of my ABSOLUTE favorite things is singing worship songs around a campfire, and I got to do that very thing last night. Every Saturday night, a group of college kids from Bethel Baptist Church gets together to worship, fellowship, and pray for the service the next day. I had never gone, and all week … Continue reading
Just where God wants me
“An orchestra is only as good as it’s last chair player.” ~Martha Agee There is great competition in the music world. Being a music minor at the University of Northern Colorado, I don’t work as hard as the music majors, but I definitely love music. Most the time when people ask me what my favorite … Continue reading
It’s a good day
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalm 118:24 With two tests and no break from 7 am-5 pm, rejoicing was the last thing on my mind. I was definitely not looking forward to today. Every Sunday I pick a new verse to memorize as “verse … Continue reading
My little shadow of grace
Everywhere I go this semester I have a little shadow that tags along with me–my violin. It’s not that I plan to carry it with me everywhere, but it hasn’t been convenient to use my locker in Frasier much. So instead, I carry my lightweight (thank God!) violin case everywhere. When I bought this new … Continue reading
How deep the Father’s love for us
This is an awesome song! We sang it at Thirst No More tonight, and I just love the words! How deep the Father’s love for us, how vast beyond all measure That He should give His only Son, to make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss, the Father turns His … Continue reading