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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 3: Abraham

Posted by on July 12, 2020

Abraham: Weekly Routines

Weekly Opening Song: (Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – sing with clock) Round the clock the hours go – Sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Tell me what the two hands say – They will tell the time of day. Add different times of day for last line:

  • Ten o’clock, it’s time to play – Come with me, it’s such a good day
  • Twelve o’clock, it’s time to eat – Come with me, we’ll have a treat
  • One o’clock, it’s time to rest – Come with me, we’ll feel our best
  • Eight o’clock, it’s time to sleep – Come with me, we’ll count some sheep
  • ___ o’clock, it’s Bible Time – Come with me, let’s look and find!

I make the clock dance during the song – around in circles, fast, slow, back and forth. And sometimes I tap on the clock while I’m singing.

Katelyn loves seeing the clock move around during the song.

Weekly Bible Song: (Tune: I’m a Little Teapot) Take your little hand and pat pat pat. Take your little hand and pat pat pat. Take your little hand and pat pat pat. Pat the Holy Bible.

Weekly Bible Reading: Open Bible, point to words, and read, “God blesses _____!” Add family members, friends, pets…

Weekly Closing Prayer: (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) God is listening, God is listening – when we pray, when we pray. Fold our hands so nicely, close our eyes so quietly – now we’ll pray, now we’ll pray. *Thank God for specific things learned today, pray for specific ways to see God’s blessings for us, pray for specific requests.

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