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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 3: Abraham

Posted by on July 12, 2020

Abraham Day 3: Finally, a Baby!

  • Materials:
  • Bible – I like the NIrV (New International Reader’s Version)
  • Children’s Bible with illustrations (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible for this lesson)
  • Clock that ticks
  • Tent (or blanket on chairs)
  • Stuffed animals
  • Baby doll and accessories (hair brush, clothes, stroller, bottle, etc.)

Day 3: Lesson & Activities

Children’s Bible Reading:

  • Open Children’s Bible and review story. Find Abraham. Notice tent and animals, but no baby!
  • Abraham and Sarah were so old and didn’t even have a baby to make their family big like the stars. They still had to wait a very long time for their baby boy. God’s plan didn’t make sense, but they believed God.

Activity #1:

  • Hold up clock and click tongue with the ticking, count with the clock
  • Play with stuffed animals inside tent – like Abraham and Sarah’s tent and animals
  • Game: There’s a bunny, but no baby! But wait – God, our God, blesses us! Poem: (speak with ticking clock) Wait, wait, wait, wait. Blessing’s coming! Wait, wait (repeat) – Add other animals and repeat game.

Bible Reading:

  • Open Bible to Genesis 21:1-3. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read verses straight from the Bible.
  • Look at picture of baby Isaac in Jesus Storybook Bible (pg 61).
  • Bring out baby doll and sing. (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) God gave the promised baby boy – yes, He did! God gave the promised baby boy – yes, He did! Clap your hands, celebrate! Baby Isaac finally came! Thank You, God, for doing what you say – Hooray! Hooray!
So excited that finally baby Isaac joined the animals inside Abraham and Sarah’s tent!

Activity #2:

  • Bring baby doll into tent with animals. God, our God, blesses us!
  • Take care of baby doll – push in stroller, feed bottle/food, get dressed, cuddle, give a bath, brush hair, play with
  • (Tune: This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes) This is the way we get him/her dressed, get him/her dressed, get him/her dressed. This is the way we get him/her dressed, like Abraham and Sarah.

Child-led Exploration:

  • Today Katelyn enjoyed bouncing baby Isaac on her ball!
  • She also wanted to snuggle with the baby doll during prayer time, thanking God for following through with His promises!

Closing: Psalm 67:6, God, our God, blesses us. We might have to wait a long time, but God blesses us!

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