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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 5: Moses

Posted by on July 29, 2020

Moses: Weekly Routines

Weekly Verse: 1 Peter 5:7, He cares for you.

Opening Song: (slowly) Clap, clap, clap your hands, as s-l-o-w-l-y as you can. (quickly) Clap, clap, clap your hands, as quickly as you can! Shake your hands, Roll your hands, Rub your hands, Wiggle your fingers, Pound your fists, Stomp your feet, etc.

It usually takes Katelyn until about the 3rd day before she really starts joining in on the opening song.

Bible Song: Jesus Loves Me – I like to hold the Bible, pat the Bible, open the Bible and point to words, etc. as I’m singing. The song is a special way to focus attention on the Bible and the start of the lesson.

Bible Reading: Open, point to words, and read, “God cares for _____!” Add family members, friends, pets…

Closing Prayer: (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) God is listening, God is listening – when we pray, when we pray. Fold our hands so nicely, close our eyes so quietly – now we’ll pray, now we’ll pray. *Thank God for specific things learned today, pray for specific ways to see how God cares for you, pray for specific requests.

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