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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 5: Moses

Posted by on July 29, 2020

Moses Day 1: Protection for Baby Moses

*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Children’s Bible (I’m using the Say & Pray Bible for this lesson)
  • Activity #1: Large cardboard box that child can fit inside
  • Activity #2: Small basket or box with a lid, tiny doll that fits inside basket/box OR a printed picture of a baby to put inside
  • Activity #3: pompoms, handheld fan (or just your breath), spray/squirt bottles with water, water tight container – we used a plastic travel soap dish

Day 1: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Exodus 2:2-4. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read verses.

Activity #1: Katelyn was distracted by a large cardboard box I had in the room for her to color in. She wanted to get in the box, so spur of the moment I compared her safe in the box like Moses safe in the basket.

  • Sing with motions (Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
  • Baby Moses, baby Moses (rocking baby motion w/arms)
  • Hiding away – peek! Hiding away – peek! (hide face with hands and then peek)
  • In a special basket, in a special basket (cup hands on top of each other)
  • Floating on the water, floating on the water (make cupped hands “float” on waves)

Activity #2:

  • Prep: Place tiny doll inside basket/box and close the lid.
  • Present small basket and repeat above song. When saying “Peek!” open the lid to peek at the baby Moses inside the basket. Katelyn enjoyed playing with the basket and the doll for a bit after the song.

Children’s Bible Reading:

  • Open Say & Pray Bible and read story about Moses. Point to sister Miriam watching over her baby brother.
  • 1 Peter 5:7, He cares for you. God protected baby Moses, and God protects me!

Activity #3: “Protect” pom poms from wind (fan) and rain (spray bottle) by hiding them away in a small basket or box.

  • I showed Katelyn the soap dish “basket” and let her pick out 10 pompoms to put them inside. We sealed it up.
  • Speak Poem: Where are the pom poms, the pom poms, the pom poms Where are the pom poms? They’re hiding away! God will protect you, protect you, protect you. God will protect you – He cares for you!
  • She enjoyed opening and closing the container for a little while.
  • Then we took it outside and used a fan and spray/squirt bottles on the closed container.
  • The pompoms stayed safe and dry inside! Just like God protected baby Moses inside the basket.
  • Child-led Exploration:
  • This kinda happened all throughout the lesson. She played in the cardboard box and with the basket and tiny baby doll for a bit during Activity #1.
  • She also played with the pompoms and the soap dish container before we took it outside.
  • Once the lesson was done outside, she enjoyed transferring the pompoms to different containers and an ice cube tray that we had outside from previous play.
  • I like being somewhat loose with the timing of the lesson as a whole. You could do the lesson in 10-15 minutes straight through to make it fast, but I like to stretch it out and let her have some free play throughout the lesson. For me, it seems to help her to explore by herself some throughout the lesson. If I’m constantly moving from one thing to the next and she doesn’t get to hold and play with things for a bit, she seems upset and not ready to move on yet.

Closing: 1 Peter 5:7, He cares for you. God protected baby Moses, and God protects me!

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