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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 5: Moses

Posted by on July 29, 2020

Day 2: Adoption

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Children’s Bible
  • Activity #1: small basket or box with a lid, tiny doll that fits inside basket/box OR a printed picture of a baby to put inside
  • Activity #2: stuffed animals, toy animals, or dolls

Day 2: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Exodus 2:5-10. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read verses.

Activity #1: Sway basket/box on “waves” while singing.

(Tune: One Little Blue Fish) Baby Moses, Baby Moses floating on the water, floating on the water, floating on the water. Baby Moses, Baby Moses floating on the water. Sway, sway, sway, sway – STOP! (open lid) A baby!

  • Katelyn loved this activity and was excited to see baby Moses when the basket stopped swaying and we opened the lid.

Children’s Bible Reading:

  • Open Children’s Bible. The See & Say Bible doesn’t have a picture of Pharaoh’s daughter, but we pointed to baby Moses in the basket, his sister Miriam watching over him, the water in the river, and the tall grass.
  • I used the basket and baby doll as I told the story about Pharaoh’s daughter adopting him. Pharaoh’s daughter adopted baby Moses. She took him to be her own baby. She took care of him and loved him.

Activity #2: Go around the house “adopting” stuffed animals or dolls. Hug them and say, “You are mine!”

(Tune: Goodnight, Ladies) Sweet, sweet teddy, Sweet, sweet teddy. Sweet, sweet teddy, you are mine today! (change animal each time)

  • Adoption in Christ:
  • 1 Peter 5:7, He cares for you. God adopts us and loves us when we trust in Him.
  • Open Bible to Ephesians 1:4-5 and read: “God chose us to belong to Christ before the world was created. He chose us to be holy and without blame in his eyes. He loved us. So he decided long ago to adopt us. He adopted us as his children with all the rights children have. He did it because of what Jesus Christ has done. It pleased God to do it.” (NirV)
  • Sing above song inserting child’s name: (Tune: Goodnight, Ladies) Sweet, sweet Katelyn, Sweet, sweet Katelyn. Sweet, sweet Katelyn, you are God’s today!

Child-led Exploration: After the lesson, I brought out the basket and baby Moses again. Katelyn enjoyed playing with it in her own style: peeking at baby Moses, opening and closing the lid, taking the baby out of the basket and putting him back, throwing the basket and the baby doll…

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