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Toddler Bible Lessons – Week 13: Disciples

Posted by on December 16, 2020

Day 5: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

*There are 3 activities for this day’s lesson. Feel free to choose one or two of the activities OR spread them out over several days! :)

  • Materials:
  • Bible (I like the NirV)
  • Activity #1: 3-5 paper towel tubes, Colored paint, Googly eyes, Painter’s tape, Pompoms
  • Activity #2: Empty gatorade bottles, Googly eyes, Brown or orange construction paper squirrel ears and tail for each bottle, Plastic tub, Birdseed, Measuring spoons
  • Activity #3: Large plastic tub, Cooked spaghetti, Bowls, plates, spoons

Day 5: Lesson and Activities: Open Bible to Luke 9:12-17. Ask if child wants to touch God’s Word. Touch gently. Then, read the verses.

Activity #1:

  • Prep: Paint each caterpillar paper towel tube a different color. Glue googly eyes at the top. Once dry, tape the caterpillars vertically to the wall. We actually preferred to just stick them in the carpet to put the pompoms in. Then you can just lift them up and all the pompoms fall out!
  • Sing (Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider) The caterpillars’ tummies grumble, rumble, ROAR! Hungry, hungry, hungry – give them more and more! Feed the caterpillars – yummy, yummy, YUM! Now the caterpillars are happy, happy, hum!

Activity #2:

  • Prep: Add googly eyes, squirrel ears, and a squirrel tail to each empty gatorade bottle. Fill plastic tub with birdseed. Place squirrels, measuring spoons, and birdseed tub inside larger tub to contain the mess (or do the activity outside).
  • Talk about how all the people were hungry and how God provided for their need. Look at the squirrels! They are empty. Their tummies are hungry.
  • Fill the squirrels with birdseed.
  • Jesus provides for all the needs of people. We should share Jesus with people!

Activity #3:

  • Prep: Cook spaghetti and let it cool. Place a small amount in a bowl.
  • Speak: That’s not much spaghetti! Just like the loaves and fish. But Jesus makes it MULTIPLY! So everyone has a dish!
  • Add a handful of spaghetti each time you repeat the poem so that the spaghetti grows and grows!

Closing: Jesus provides for everything we need. Jesus is our greatest need!

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